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Kumon Malaysia

  1. Set a To-Do List

As you begin a new week, set a To-Do-List to help keep you stay focus on tackling key tasks each day. Arrange your tasks accordingly, ensuring that you quickly sort out those that are of top priority.


Setting a To-Do List will also help you remember your pending tasks and keep you organised and motivated to push forward towards completion.


  1. Learn to Prioritise and Re-Prioritise

While the To-Do List sets as a reminder on tasks at hand, there could be other unforeseen circumstances or tasks that may be added to your plate along the way. Pause, take a step back and re-evaluate your list and schedules and learn to re-prioritise accordingly. This way, you will be able to maximise the most out of your day!


  1. Identifying Optimum Times

As individuals, we tend to be a morning person or evening person. As such, it is important for us to take note of when our energy levels are at its optimum as this would be the most suitable time to study! Plan your routine accordingly to ensure that this time is utilised to revise what you’ve learnt in school and to complete your Kumon worksheets. Remember to take a well-deserved break in between too!


  1. Finding a Balance

As the saying goes, “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy”. There’s a time and place for everything and we should always remember to strike a balance in everything that we do. Thus, allocate specific times for revisions, your hobbies and even rest! While it is important to tick off important tasks throughout the week, don’t forget to also ensure you have a balanced diet and adequate time to exercise! Remember, a healthy body and mind are key factors that drive productivity.


  1. Stay Committed

Various time tables and To-Do List can guide you, however, it is important that you are also determined, disciplined and committed to making it happen! Don’t give up even if you failed to fulfill most of the tasks at the given time sometimes. Always be grateful and be proud of what you have achieved at the end of the day.


We hope the above tips would be of help as you plan out your weeks to come! Remember, work hard and work smart!