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Activities Children can do during School Holidays | Kumon Malaysia

Deciding how to spend the holidays for children is not an easy decision. Everyone tends to look forward to the holidays as an avenue to rest, catch up on some sleep and just have fun. These are all great, but then how many times have we seen holidays passes by before our eyes and then in the last remaining days, we’re left wondering where the long holiday went? To truly make the most out of the holidays, you’ve got to plan for it! There are so many things you could be doing over the long vacation.

Here are some of the ideas!

  1. Learn a New Skill

If your children have spent so much time with books, this is the perfect time to gather skills that can place them a step ahead of their peers. You can look for holiday programmes that focuses on gaining skills – whether it’s swimming, driving or cooking! You can even find books or search in Google on a particular subject and use the materials to teach your children. You can make use of this time to acquire new skills and gain experience.

  1. Get Together

Children might decide to just stay at home during the holidays, so it’s recommended for parents to arrange for get-togethers for them to catch up with their friends. Some ideas include a library meet, where they get to choose a book and review; or play games like scrabble or anything that is beneficial and would keep their brain cells active. Parents can also set aside designated time slots dedicated for family or friends and make the most out of it. Invite their cousin or your best friend’s kids over to the house so that they can catch up. This offers a good opportunity to show the ones you care about that you value spend time with loved ones.

  1. Join a Club/Group

Parent can search on the internet or in their community for meet ups such as Book clubs, tech clubs, study groups or sports groups. Encourage them to takes up projects such as to read a particular book for the week and discuss it in the next meet up. They can also take up volunteering for a cause that they are passionate about. Many organisations are in search of volunteers who are willing to go the extra mile. The experience gained would help prepare them for the future, as they focus on giving back to the society.

In summary, there are numerous activities that children can engage in to ensure that their holidays are productive and fulfilling. The most important aspect is parental support and guidance. For Kumon students, let’s use this holiday to continue to stay disciplined by completing the Kumon worksheets daily. Maintaining a steady routine with Kumon even during the holiday break will make returning to a normal schedule effortless. Keep your motivation soaring high!