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punishing-your-child_Kumon-Malaysia_In-article.Being a parent is definitely not an easy task. You strive on a daily basis to raise your child to be the best they can be.

Often times, there are instances that you may find yourself constantly nagging or pulling the ears of your child everything you have said to them falls on deaf ears. Although, this might seem to have the problem temporarily fixed, but in the long run, constant nagging can be detrimental to your relationship with your child. In some cases, nagging will only train yours kids to continuously ignore what you’ve said or even to be more rebellious.

According to an article published in, kids who are punished frequently are less likely to make positive moral choices. One of the reasons behind this is that punishments teaches a child to focus on the “consequences” of suffering from their actions, rather than on the negative impact of their actions on to someone else. Hence, punishments is the least emphatic choice and would only teach a child to be more self-centered as their goal becomes to not get caught from their actions or to face the consequences.

Consequently, with studying, it is important for a child to pick up the habit of self-learning as it would enable them to understand what’s right and wrong. This not only enhances their learning experience, but also helps them learn more effectively, encourages their curiosity and boosts their self-esteem.

That is why the Kumon worksheets consists of a step-by-step guide and examples which makes it easier for students to learn by themselves. Our Kumon Instructor will then evaluate their capabilities and take note of their progress. Using this method, students will gain more confidence as they are able to grasp the syllabus better and move on to the next level when they are ready, instead of limiting their capabilities based on their grade level in school. In fact, some students do advance five years beyond their school grade.

Parents can also start practicing these methods at home to help their child develop life skills that would enable them to tackle any challenges that may come their way in the future. Parents can start giving their children simple daily tasks such as arranging their shoes, complying to bath and bed time and so on.

In brief, parents need to communicate with their children instead of punishing them so that it does not create a relationship based on fear. A good way to go about this is by setting some rules together and explaining to your kids when they have made a mistake.