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Kumon aims to foster sound, capable individuals who are able to independently set out a successful path for themselves in life. For over 60 years, the Kumon Method has seen successes across 51 regions in helping many children to achieve a brighter future.

You must be wondering, what are the essences of the Kumon Method? Read on below to find out more!

1. Individualised learning

Kumon Instructors provides individualised instruction which is tailored to each child’s respective ability. At Kumon, students will learn at a pace that is best suited for them, and Instructors will work closely with their students to ensure that they progress accordingly through the levels. The Kumon Method provides students with a strong foundation in Reading, Comprehension, Writing and Mathematics. Part of the Kumon Method includes daily worksheets while allows the student to advance progressively.

2. Self-learning

With the Kumon Method, students go through the advanced material independently and attempt to resolve any challenges on their own. “Self-study” or “self-learning” is the core of the Kumon Method, where students are able to grasp the concept of self-learning and not rely on being spoon-fed by the instructor when faced with difficult tasks. This further nurtures critical life skills in students such as confidence, independence and resilience.

3. The Pursuit of Potential

At Kumon, we pave the way for the students to achieve their limitless potential and reach for the stars! Our worksheets and customised learning instructions are tailored to each of their individual abilities, nurturing their potential to the fullest so that they can be successful in whatever they set to do in the future!

4. Home-Based Education

Our method of learning stemmed from the basis of teaching school children the best learning methods they can adhere to at home. When Kumon was first founded 60 years ago, the aim was to equip students with a strong foundation for independent learning and to develop their reading, writing, Mathematics and comprehension skills.  In addition, the Kumon Method also aims to equip children with the ability to complete high school level worksheets at home so that they will not encounter difficulties when they are in school or when they move on to secondary level education.

5. Advancing beyond school grade level

The Kumon Method allows students to learn at their own pace accordingly so that students are not restricted by their age. Students who are able to grasp the syllabus seamlessly are able to progress through the levels; whereas weaker students can take their own time to practice in order to progress through the levels. For instance, if a Primary 1 student is capable of completing the Primary 5 syllabus, they are not restricted in terms of learning but instead, able to progress at their own pace accordingly to a higher level.

6. The “Just Right” level of study

Kumon worksheets enable students to advance above the school syllabus and this is termed as ‘Beyond School Grade Level’. Kumon aims to provide an education system that fosters a desire in children to learn and thrive for new challenges, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that each and every one of them can pursue his/her own potential to the fullest.

These are some of the essence that shapes the Kumon Method. Stay tuned to find out more about the Kumon Method!