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Earlier this year, Kumon Malaysia launched the Kumon Connect, a new form of learning for students using only their tablet and stylus. This digital platform will enable more children to enroll in the Kumon programme, in addition to the existing classroom-based learning.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for a more efficient tablet learning.

1. Set a dedicated study corner

Having a designated study room within a peaceful environment sets the right mood and improves students’ concentration. Set aside a room in your home for your child’s online learning. Ideally, the space should be well-lit, have a good internet connection and should not be frequented by other people at home. He or she should not have easy access to toys or other items that are unrelated to learning.

2. Set limited time for gadget usage

The primary issue that parents may encounter when their children are learning on a tablet is how the children will manage themselves while using the device. Parents must set screen time limitations for their children in order to allow time for gadget-free activities. Some parents limit their children’s screen time to two hours each day, while some impose a no-gadget policy during exam periods. Decide which method will work best for your children and adhere to it.

3. Motivate your kids

It will be helpful if your child has the right mindset. Explain to your child that he or she will now be doing Kumon worksheets on a tablet and allow them to explore with it. Inform them that they must be responsible when using the device and stay focused on the learnings. Give them words of encouragement whenever he or she achieves a milestone. Parents should also ask them if they require any assistance in completing the worksheet using the tablet so that they can have a pleasant Kumon learning experience.

4. Have open communication with the teachers

Kumon Connect allows you to track your child’s progress and communicate directly with the teacher. Attend parent meetings to learn about important developments, such as homework exchanges and reward ceremonies. If your Kumon Center provides a group chat for parents, join it to stay up to date. Your child’s instructor will provide feedback on your child’s current performance after each class. Feel free to ask how you can work together to help your child in his or her Kumon journey.

To sum up, incorporating technology with the Kumon worksheet will provide better support to your child, so that while they develop the skills to study independently, their Instructor will be by their side between lessons, providing individual guidance as they progress. It is also essential to keep a balance between technology and real life, for children to succeed in life.